Support to boost your early-stage initiative

As part of the Fair Education Impact Festival 2021 we ran a series of workshops aimed at those with early-stage ideas and initiatives. We are thrilled to be able to share expert advice and guidance from across the alliance as part of the support available to early-stage innovators. 

Introduction to the innovation award!

Learn more about the Innovation Award from Head of the Innovation Award Shayan Roy Chowdhury.

The business plan - where to start

Be guided through the Social Business Model Canvas and gain the confidence to start thinking about your business plan in greater depth with James Teasdale (Year Here).

Introduction to the theory of change

Learn more about what the theory of change is and how you can use it as a foundation for developing your idea with Jack Reynolds and Gabrielle Hamill (Football Beyond Borders)

Researching the problem: the foundation of your initiative

Get practical advice on how to undertake research to understand the problem you are trying to solve with Jenny Griffiths (Teach First).

Building your brand

Learn how to to create and maintain a distinctive and effective brand with minimal resources with Amanda Jones (Grub Club)

Ace your grant applications

Get practical tips for building relationships with funders and how to write a great grant application with Heather Burgess (Teach First).


Legal structures - which one?

Are you unsure about the best legal structure for your initiative, or the process for incorporation? Join us for a deep dive into the different options you have available for setting up your initiative as a legal entity and learn more about the pros and cons of each legal structure with Megan Jones and Rachael Southern (Bates Wells Braithwaite).

Introduction to Impact Measurement

As you pilot and develop your idea, measuring and understanding impact at the early-stages will be critical to its success and growth. Join Caitlin Ross (Big Change) as she takes us through: - The foundations of what is meant my ‘impact’ and ‘success’ - How to set and measure meaningful outcomes - Some useful tools that you can use to help you understand what data you need to collect to successfully assess your impact and the best ways to do this.

Innovation Award : Tips for developing your idea

Three of our 2020 Innovation Award Winners, Kim Griffin (Griffin OT), Dana Saxon (Ancestors Unknown) and Nicole Rodden (Life Lessons) will take you through their top takeaways for developing your idea, and get the chance to speak with them about their experience of the Award.


Building a sustainable financial plan and managing finances

Join Daniel Keller (Unifrog) and Robert Craig (Skillsbuilder) to get expert advice on the tools that are most helpful in enabling you to put together an effective financial plan and learn about cost structures, revenue streams and pricing strategies. Attendees will leave with increased confidence in managing and planning your finances and sustainability. 

Teachers and school leaders: taking your school-based initiative to the next level

Join former teachers and 2020 Innovation Award Winners Hussein Hussein (Cape Mentors) and Phoebe Praill (The Bridging Project) as they share their experiences of taking their classroom and school expertise and developing it into initiatives to make education fair. If you are a teacher or school leader who wants to take your school-based initiative to the next level, this session will offer practical advice for developing your idea, insight into what it’s like to go through the Award process and help you understand how you can apply for the Innovation Award!